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Miss L.....Round Hill childrens photographer, Loudoun County childrens photographer, Purcellville childrens photographer

This is my baby girl....and she is the best baby ever.  She has slept since she was about 8 weeks old, and is just the most easy going chill kid I have ever come across.  She doesn't say much, and she thinks her big brothers hung the moon.  She also seems to be the perfect mix between my pretty serious 5 year old, and my always looking for a laugh 3 1/2 year old....

I've had my eye on these buttercup fields for a while now...they are 2 doors down from my house...

 she was charging ahead after her brothers here and looks like such a big kid to me...I'm glad to be leaving the baby phase...I think...but it's also a little sad that we don't need rear facing car seats or high chairs anymore....she's a big kid now...

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